Leticia Keuroglian, Hubert Humphrey at Virginia Commonwealth University, Shares Her Experience

In August 2019, one of the most significant experiences of my life began, the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
Regarded as an academic and professional development program for specific fields, it offers fellows the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of a specific field, develop their leadership skills, forge international professional links, and grow through cultural exchange. Apart from being as prestigious as all Fulbright programs, the Hubert H. Humphrey fellowship program is an opportunity for personal growth that goes beyond the professional sphere, as it becomes a true life experience that transforms its participants into better experts and human beings.
I am certain that this experience would not have been so successful without the support the Fulbright Commission in Uruguay offered me since day one. Their assistance during the selection process, the regular contact during my stay in the United States, and the help provided during the last stage of my journey have been key factors in making this perfect.
Nowadays I am in Uruguay finishing my program, as the COVID-19 pandemic led me to decide to return. Undoubtedly, I could have never expected this outcome, which was hard to accept and became a whole new experience itself. Many expectations and challenges seemed to vanish—or at least suffer drastic changes. However, I feel glad and grateful for the path I have followed so far, which I could not have reached on my own.
On the one hand, I have been able to return to Uruguay thanks to the efforts made by the Fulbright Commission in Uruguay and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The technical and humane support they offered me throughout this hard process was vital and worthy of acknowledgement.
On the other hand, the chance to continue performing my academic and professional tasks remotely is truly satisfying and motivating in this complicated context in which we have to adapt to constant changes and uncertainty. I thus would also like to mention the support provided by the Institute of International Education of the United States, for they made this possible.
Finally, I would like to express, once again, how grateful I am for the opportunity to have had access to this unique experience, which made me grow in a myriad of aspects and will definitely keep me sharing international experiences, learning, and developing.